Developer Interface =================== .. py:currentmodule:: typeable This package defines the following functions and decorators: .. function:: cast(typ: typing.Type[_T], val: object, *, ctx: Context = None) -> _T Cast a value to a type. This returns the value converted to the designated type. *typ* can be anything that can be used in type :term:`annotation`. The conversion rules try to mimic the standard Python rules as much as possible. But you can use *ctx* to change the rules. If the conversion rules do not allow conversion, various standard exceptions such as :exc:`TypeError` and :exc:`ValueError` can be thrown. If you wish, you can use *ctx* to locate the error position on *val*. .. decorator:: cast.function(user_function) cast.function(*, ctx_name: str = 'ctx', cast_return: bool = False, keep_async: bool = True) A decorator that types-casts the arguments of a function. When a decorated function is called, the original function is called by type-casted values for the :term:`annotated ` arguments. Arguments without the :term:`annotation` are passed as it is. The default behavior is to not type-cast the return value even if there is a :term:`annotation` of the return value. If *cast_return* is true and there is a :term:`annotation` of the return value, the return value is also type casted. When tracking the error location with :func:`Context.capture`, the ``location`` attribute is given the name of the argument. If an error occurred in the return value, ``"return"`` is used. If :term:`annotation` is supplied to an argument of the form ``*args`` or ``**kwargs``, the name of the argument is supplied first, followed by the index or keyword name. The decorated function has an additional *ctx* argument that takes a :class:`Context` instance. It raises :exc:`TypeError`, if the original function already has an argument named *ctx*. To change this name, specify name with the *ctx_name* argument. If the original function wants to receive *ctx* arguments directly, it must provide :class:`Context` type :term:`annotation`. In this case, when :const:`None` is passed to *ctx*, a new instance is created and passed. This decorator can also be used for methods. When :func:`cast.function` is applied in combination with other method descriptors, it should be applied as the innermost decorator. This decorator can also be used with :term:`coroutine function`. In this case, the decorated function is also :term:`coroutine function`. However, if the *keep_async* parameter is :const:`False`, the decorated function becomes a synchronous function that immediately calls the original function and returns :term:`awaitable`. It is used for the purpose of generating an error due to type casting early. .. decorator:: typeable.cast.register(impl) .. function:: declare(name: str) A :term:`context manager` that allows you to define recursive :term:`type aliases ` using forward references. Provides an instance of :class:`typing.ForwardRef` with the name provided as the *name* argument as the target of :keyword:`as` of the :keyword:`with` statement. If you use this value for a type parameter of a generic type, forward references are automatically evaluated when exiting the :keyword:`with` statement. It can be used for local aliases as well as global aliases. .. function:: dump(obj: JsonValue, fp, *, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ':'), **kw) A function that wraps the standard library :func:`json.dump` function so that *obj* arguments are automatically converted to :class:`JsonValue`. This function has changed the default values for the *ensure_ascii* and *separators* arguments. .. function:: dumps(obj: JsonValue, *, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ':'), **kw) A function that wraps the standard library :func:`json.dumps` function so that *obj* arguments are automatically converted to :class:`JsonValue`. This function has changed the default values for the *ensure_ascii* and *separators* arguments. .. function:: field(*, key=None, default=dataclasses.MISSING, default_factory=None, nullable=None, required=False, kind=False) .. function:: fields(class_or_instance) This package defines a number of classes, which are detailed in the sections below. .. class:: AllOf(arg: Constraint, *args: Constraint) :Class:`Constraint` that must satisfy all constraints passed as arguments. .. class:: AnyOf(arg: Constraint, *args: Constraint) :Class:`Constraint` that must satisfy at least one of the constraints passed as arguments. .. class:: Constraint() Base class of constraints checked at runtime. Used as metadata provided to :data:`typing.Annotated`. Other than this purpose, the user does not have to deal with instances of :class:`Constraint` directly. The following interface is only needed if you want to define a new constraint by creating a subclass of :class:`Constraint`. .. method:: annotate(root: JsonSchema, schema: JsonSchema) Add the constraint to the JSON Schema passed as the *schema* argument. *root* is a JSON Schema instance of type defined as :data:`typing.Annotated`. .. method:: compile() Returns a callable that evaluates the constraint. The callable takes the value after casting by :func:`cast`. If the callable's return value evaluates to true, it is interpreted as satisfying the constraint. Returning false or raising an exception is interpreted as not satisfying the constraint. .. method:: emit() Returns a string expressing the constraint. The expression must assume that the argument to be tested is provided as a variable called ``x``. For example, ``"(x > 0)"``. If the expression refers to a module, :meth:`emit` can return a 2-tuple ``(expr, ns)``. ``expr`` is an expression, ``ns`` is a mapping where the key is the module name, and the value is the module instance. .. class:: Context(**policies) By passing the :class:`Context` object to the :func:`cast` you can change the default conversion rules or find the location of the error that occurred during conversion. Keyword-only parameters passed to *policies* are used to change conversion rules. These parameters are provided as attributes of the :class:`Context` instance. You can also subclass :class:`Context` to change the default values of parameters, or add new parameters. The currently defined parameters are: .. attribute:: bool_is_int :type: bool :value: True If this attribute is :const:`False`, then :class:`bool` is not treated as :class:`int`. .. attribute:: bool_strings :type: dict[str, bool] :value: {'0': False, '1': True, 'f': False, 'false': False, 'n': False, 'no': False, 'off': False, 'on': True, 't': True, 'true': True, 'y': True, 'yes': True} Defines strings that can be converted to :class:`bool` and the corresponding :class:`bool` value. All keys should be lowercase. When looking up a dictionary, the value converted to lowercase is used as a key. .. attribute:: bytes_encoding :type: str :value: 'utf-8' .. attribute:: date_format :type: str :value: 'iso' .. attribute:: datetime_format :type: str :value: 'iso' .. attribute:: encoding_errors :type: str :value: 'strict' .. attribute:: lossy_conversion :type: bool :value: True If this attribute is :const:`False`, no conversion with information loss is performed. For example, ``cast(int, 1.2)`` is not allowed. .. attribute:: naive_timestamp :type: bool :value: False .. attribute:: strict_str :type: bool :value: True .. attribute:: time_format :type: str :value: 'iso' .. attribute:: union_prefers_same_type :type: bool :value: True .. attribute:: union_prefers_base_type :type: bool :value: True .. attribute:: union_prefers_super_type :type: bool :value: True .. attribute:: union_prefers_nearest_type :type: bool :value: True The location of the error that occurred during conversion can be found using :meth:`capture`. :class:`Context` instances are neither thread-safe nor :term:`coroutine`-safe. Make sure that an instance is not used by multiple threads or coroutines simultaneously. But it's safe to use it repeatedly for successive :func:`cast` calls. .. method:: capture() Tracks the location of errors that occur during conversion. Since it is a :term:`context manager`, it must be used with the :keyword:`with` statement. The error object is passed to the :keyword:`as` target of the :keyword:`with` statement. This error object provides the ``location`` attribute which is a :class:`tuple` when an error occurs, and is :const:`None` if no error occurs. ``location`` is a tuple of keys or indices needed to reach the error position. For example: >>> from typing import Dict, List >>> from typeable import * >>> ctx = Context() >>> with ctx.capture() as error: ... data = cast(Dict[str,List[int]], {"a":[], "b":[0,"1",None,3]}, ctx=ctx) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType' >>> error.location ('b', 2) .. method:: traverse(key) .. class:: IsFinite() :Class:`Constraint` which allows only finite numbers. Applies only to :class:`int`, :class:`float`, and :class:`complex` types, and does not allow NaN or infinity. Standard JSON does not allow NaN or infinite, so it is not reflected in JSON Schema. .. class:: IsGreaterThan(exclusive_minimum) :class:`Constraint` that only allows values greater than *exclusive_minimum*. It is expressed as *exclusiveMinimum* in JSON Schema. .. class:: IsGreaterThanOrEqual(minimum) :class:`Constraint` that only allows values greater than or equal to *minimum*. It is expressed as *minimum* in JSON Schema. .. class:: IsLessThan(exclusive_maximum) :class:`Constraint` that only allows values less than *exclusive_maximum*. It is expressed as *exclusiveMaximum* in JSON Schema. .. class:: IsLessThanOrEqual(maximum) :class:`Constraint` that only allows values less than or equal to *maximum*. It is expressed as *maximum* in JSON Schema. .. class:: IsLongerThanOrEqual(minimum) :class:`Constraint` that only allows values longer than or equal to *minimum*. In JSON Schema, it is expressed as *minLength*, *minProperties*, *minItems* depending on the type. .. class:: IsMatched(pattern) :class:`Constraint` that only allows strings that match the regular expression *pattern*. Regular expressions are not implicitly anchored. That is, matches are checked with :func:``. It is expressed as *pattern* in JSON Schema. .. class:: IsMultipleOf(value) :class:`Constraint` that allows only numbers that are integer multiples of *value*. Raises :exc:`ValueError` if *value* is not positive. It is expressed as *multipleOf* in JSON Schema. .. class:: IsShorterThanOrEqual(maximum) :class:`Constraint` that only allows values shorter than or equal to *maximum*. In JSON Schema, it is expressed as *maxLength*, *maxProperties*, *maxItems* depending on the type. .. class:: JsonSchema(value_or_type = dataclasses.MISSING, *, ctx: Context = None) A subclass of :class:`Object` representing `JSON Schema `_. The constructor takes a JSON Schema representation or type as the *value_or_type* parameter. Passing a type gives you a JSON Schema representation of that type. .. classmethod:: register(type) .. class:: JsonValue This is a type that represents a JSON value recursively. You cannot create an instance, you can only type cast with :func:`cast`. Values converted to this type can be passed directly to :func:`json.dumps` and :func:`json.dump` in the standard library. .. class:: NoneOf(arg: Constraint, *args: Constraint) :Class:`Constraint` which must not satisfy any of the constraints passed as arguments. .. class:: Object(value = dataclasses.MISSING, /, *, ctx: Context = None, **kwargs) Represents an object model with typed fields. When a value is passed as *value*, ``Object(value, ctx=ctx)`` is equivalent to ``cast(Object, value, ctx=ctx)``. If no value is passed as *value*, no type checking is performed, and only fields with *default_factory* are created as instance attributes. By design, it mimics :func:`dataclasses.dataclass`. However, there are several differences: - Unlike :func:`dataclasses.dataclass`, it must inherit :class:`Object`. - The signature of the constructor is different. - Unlike :func:`dataclasses.dataclass`, there is a concept of missing fields. So you may get :exc:`AttributeError` when trying to read an instance attribute. - :func:`field` supports different feature sets.